In the video around 10:40 there is a phrase that. really hit home for me in my personal and client work - "Failure to interate to reach the threshold success". That's an important concept that I think most of us just don't 'grok' the importance of yet. I think clients assume AI is a magic box that is supposed instantly pop an answer out. You have provided a comprehensive framework in this article to encourage clients to slow down and think through what they are doing. I have no doubt the end results are better. Thanks for this.

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In the video around 10:40 there is a phrase that. really hit home for me in my personal and client work - "Failure to iterate to reach the threshold success". That's an important concept that I think most of us just don't 'grok' the importance of yet. I think clients assume AI is a magic box that is supposed instantly pop an answer out. You have provided a comprehensive framework in this article to encourage clients to slow down and think through what they are doing. I have no doubt the end results are better. Thanks for this.

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Glad to hear it's helpful. As the wise man says, got to look before you leap! Spending just a little time in the beginning of a project to define success can make all the difference and help all stakeholders get on the same page.

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